Jan 25, 2009

025 Old Man Cat

Are you ever struck with a thought that you know didn't come from you? This happens to me frequently and I recognize it as the promptings of the Holy Ghost. I am so grateful to know that the Lord really does know me and care about me. He cares about the little things I care about. That is such a comfort to me.

This weekend was our Stake Conference. I always look forward to these twice-yearly meetings. I always come away refreshed and refueled. It was while I was sitting in conference this morning that the thought came to me that I needed to feature our long-time friend and furry companion, Simba. Simba's been here before so if you want to read more about him click on the "Simba" tag.

Sadly, our Sims has become an old-man-cat! He is only a shadow of his former 15 pound healthy self... but at 14 years old this month, I guess we need to be grateful that he is still with us.

Simba was diagnosed with failing liver and thyroid problems about 2 years ago and the weight has just melted off of him in spite of constant medical attention. He is half the weight he was in his prime. The up side is that he seems happy and he is still active. He can still jump up on the counter to eat (albeit via the toilet now instead of straight from the floor), still stalks any erratic flying thing, and can still give Harley what for.

025 simba now
FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerGrids-9, Overlay-http://www.flickr.com/photos/beapierce/sets/72157601574009156/

I couldn't just post this old-man-cat photo of our Sims... I needed to show all what a beauty he once was! This is Simba 4 years ago, just after we moved to Utah. What a happy, smiling kitty-boy!

025 simba @ 10
FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerGrids-9


Mom and Dad said...

I love old Simba. He is so self-possessed, so full of confidence and dignity. . . and he lets me like him. Old M'owww is alright!!!
Love him. Love you. Annie

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

There's my good buddy! I sure love Simba (you know that). He's so much like Tiger it's uncanny. Thank you for featuring him. I'm kinda biased, but I'm allowed to be.
