For years my dear sister, Ann, had these chickens and when visiting I loved to make the egg collecting trip. I would talk to those little biddies and they would croon back to me.
These beautiful, naturally-colored Easter eggs came from a friend who keeps them. They are smallish but very tasty. What a happy, thoughtful gift
As an aside, her husband has often shared his wisdom from the chicken coop in our Sunday School class. The one that stays in my mind is his experience with a new batch of chicks. When they first arrive they are so frightened and skittish. He goes and sits quietly in the coop and talks to them until he has been able to gather them to him. He drew the parallel of how the Savior so often wants to gather us, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, to protect us, but we, like silly chickens, run away from that safe haven.
Baaaawwwk, Bak, bak, bak, baaaaaawk. Bu-CCCCCAAAAAAHHHH!!! There I laid an egg, just for you.
Aracauna chickens,Joanie. They lay the Easter eggs. I always loved our hens because they themselves were multi-colored, as well as the hen-fruit they made, and I was so glad when you would come to talk to my ladies! What wonderful memories you have aroused for me!
So glad you have a sharing neighbor who gifted you with some "Spring" in the person of those colorful little orbs! We found a lady here in Elsinore who has Easter egg chickens too. How seredipitous for both of us!!!
Love ya!!
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