While here in Palmdale I was able to visit with Spencer and Riley. That baby is so adorably cute and he looks so much like his daddy!
Auntie P is part of a local doxie rescue group and is a doggie-foster-mom. The first night that Spencer and Riley walked in Spencer said, "Oh, you've got a long-horned schnitzel!" Well, it cracked me up! So I thought you'd like to see what a long-horned schnitzel is-
But perhaps funnier still is little Riley... he thinks that any dog bed, occupied or otherwise is his bed! He is such a sweet little toddler. (Well, little isn't a correct adjective... he is nearly the size of a 3 year-old and he is only 18 months!!)
Now one last funny... here we are... the Three Musketeers of the of the defunct Palmdale 2nd Ward. We all met and became friend way back in the early 80s! What happened to those young girls from 25 years ago? Couldn't tell you, but we're still friends and still going strong.
So glaf you got to end the old year with your special friends in Palmdale, Joanie!!
And I am thinking that your kids love funny words as well. Schnitzel, indeed! Didn't know them schnitzels came with curly locks!
Love ya, Annie
Crumple-horned snorkack what? (I'm reading HP5 again.)
ROFL what is he doing in that dogbed!? Too cute. Love the puppy. I have no idea how they got their name, I had never heard that before coming to the States. they were always Dackel to us
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