The journaling tells most of the story, but maybe I need to explain. Whenever anyone leaves something on the stairs Gordon always says that someone will break their neck. So when Harley started training his new accomplice I told Gordon he was an assassin. (Now watch this will pop up on the FBI's watch list... LOL)
The second funny is that in the time it took me to put this page together this afternoon Harley gutted his new toy (that's what they are for, aren't they?) and killed the quack!
Did you know that you can't see the pictures? There is just a link to Photobucket, and I couldn't get it to come up.
I guess you must have fixed it cause I can see it! Great fun page, you are so comical. The killer dog, yeah!
Your first picture is a hoot! That harlequin face!! Can he be taken as serious??
It has been fun to get to know that crazy canine!!
Love ya, Annie
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