For the last 27+ years, since I perfected my cinnamon roll recipe, it has become the emblem of special times: Christmas Eve morning, Conference Sunday, Seminary treat day... it is my offering of yummy, cinnamony-goodness on these special days.
My Camille-y's sweet hands
I love the fact that now Camille has taken over the tradition. She has become a master baker. Three years ago when I was out of town for Conference Sunday she came down to my house and made them for Dad, Uncle Wayne and Aunt Annie.
I love the fact that we get a rich feeding this day... not only our special cinnamon roll but a rich Spiritual Feast at the feet of our Prophet and Apostles.
I can smell 'em. DANG...with I wasn't so far away. DANG, DANG, DANG!!!
I NEED one or Sheri said "I can smell them"
Delicious! Have to say that is a gooood tradition! My roommate is the master bread lady, which nearly killed me when I went off bread and she got a mixer and upped the breadmaking...and whipped out the cinnamon rolls. I cracked...but it was amazing. Anyway, what a lovely tradition!
I love Camille's hands and remembering the day she made cinnamon rolls for us. What a sweet girl to go to all that trouble . . . And what a great tradition Mommy came up with for the family. Wonderful, Joanie!
Yeah, and I can smell them too . . .
I remember eating such sweet goodies about 10 years ago on Conference Sunday. I believe I found out I was pregnant with a beautiful Ashton on that very day. Happy memories...
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