Feb 10, 2010

041- Sweet Violet

A couple of days ago when I was on a search for signs of spring I found this one lone violet blooming in a very sheltered flower bed on the somewhat-south-facing side of my garage. (*I'll give you a rant about that in a minute!)

Violets seem to love my yard, they grow here like weeds AND I LIKE IT! I wish all my weeds were this pretty.

041- violet
FONT- Albemarle Swash, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, CoffeeShop SweetBakery Glazes, BRUSH- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShot_Horizontal6, JasonGaylor Valentine

** OK so here is my rant-

I live in Utah, right? EVERYTHING in Utah is all about the compass; you know, all North, South, East, West. We lived in the Antelope Valley for 23 years which is also set up on the compass... it is so easy to find your way around. Oh, but my street??? Nope, it is set at 45* on the compass. So when I want to say the south side of my house I always have to qualify it with the adjective! Rrrrrr!

But the upside is that I get the nice winter sunshine shining in my French doors where I like to bask. See, I can always find the upside!


Sarah E Boucher said...

Amazing that you have little violets! It's adorable!

Mom and Dad said...

Little pretties by your garage. What a treasure!!