FRAME- FONT- Albemarle Swash, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, BRUSH- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShot_Horizontal6, TEXTURES- We the People, Beach Glass Bokeh 2
Oh, what a sad lesson to learn at such a tender age. But not all was heart-break... do I detect some twitterpated little girls? (Yes, and maybe even one big girl in this class!)
And how do I know all this? I was that proverbial fly-on-the-wall. I was there on the same day to help Miss Camille get ready for parent/teacher conference. I am so thankful that I am close enough to do this. And this time I'm also grateful for Miss Jamie's camera and my camera phone, because my big one was at home. Sad...
Look at those tiny girls' faces. Twitterpation galore. How cute is that? What a fun day!
But, my honey, you always manage to end up with somebody's marsupial picture machine. I think you attract them.
It IS nice that you get to go help. Wish I was closer to my little teacher-gal!
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