Funny story...
When Spencer was just a little guy, maybe 3, he found a pair of child size cowboy boots that used to be mine. He LOVED them, but they were too big, and frankly, too worn out. We were able to find him some boots just his size. The first Sunday after getting his boots we walked into church and instead of turning into *our* row Spencer proceeded straight up to the podium, proudly stomped one of his boots down in front of Bishop Lenker and excitedly stated, "NEW BOOTS!" Bishop Lenker laughed and so did we... what a funny little guy! (wow... 20-something years ago)
So this-day my house is getting to do the Spencer-routine and proudly state, "New Boots!" (or, perhaps, new hat!)
FONT- Albemarle Swash, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, BRUSH- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShot_Horizontal6, JasonGaylor Valentine TEXTURE- kimi haze texture
Why a new roof? Our wind storm two weeks ago did more damage than we could see to the roof. The insurance adjuster said that 60% of our roof needed to be replaced... so we are getting a new roof for 40 cents on the dollar. Perhaps not what I wanted to spend my money on right now, but still a blessing.
What a blessing when things like this happen, though never convenient, when we are more able to handle them. Aren't you glad you don't have a new roof AND a house payment?
And plus, because I have seen pictures of that tiny Spencer and I know that he was the ultimate in cuteness, I can imagine how adorable that whole scene was!
What a neat thing to have a brand spankin' new roof, and for 40 cents on the dollar in THIS economy. :) Blessings do come in funny disguises, don't they?
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