Stuart and his furry little pal, Simba. What a funny pair! This cat will let Stuart do almost anything to him... including sharing his sweatshirt.
Our little grandchildren LOVE FRUIT so when I was doing my grocery shopping down at Ream's I picked up a whole bunch (bwa-ha-ha) of their luscious fruit. My aren't we lucky to live in such a wonderful, bounteous land?
And speaking of said fruit-bat children, here they are. It is so nice to have them close. I wish all of the grand-kids were!
Lastly, Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year from our family.
Joanie, your photos are absolutely wonderful. I got so wound up over the one of Mom & Daddy that I totally missed these treasures!! Sarah was so tickled over The Boy & His Cat! We are parallel playing in the living room on our laptops. Is that wacky or what??
And, whenever I see your dear Christian, I remember the loan of a l-a-r-g-e pair of briefs at Eagle Mountain . . . Bless his heart, aren't we glad kids are resilient?? Aren't we glad WE are resilient!!!
LOTS of Love, Annie
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