We have carried on the Christmas Eve tradition of making taquitos from scratch. This tradition goes back to having Christmas Eve at Auntie P's. One year she was pressed for time and needed help so I sent Camille down and that became their happy tradition.
Our first Christmas in Utah (4 years ago- and may I add the first time in 19 years that we WEREN'T with Auntie P) I went to Albertson's in Orem to buy the meat and tortillas. I called P and started crying; when I couldn't find the meat I found a clerk and bawling asked him for help finding the canned meat!! Poor guy! He didn't know not being able to find canned meat was such an emotional subject!
I love these wonderful traditions that add depth to our celebrations.
Merry Christmas!
Soooo yummy! My mouth is just watering looking at those. And I don't even think I can eat those anymore! And yet...maybe just a nibble (of anything tasty during this holiday season!).
I want your recipe!! (See my blog . . .)
And thanks for the ElfYourself dance.
You are so great!! I need to figure out exactly how you DO that! Love ya, Ann
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