This little nativity always make me think of the wonderful Primary Hymn Samuel Tells of Baby Jesus by Mabel Jones Gabbott. I love the Hosanna chorus... it just speaks to my heart!
Said Samuel, “Within five years A night will be as day.
And baby Jesus will be born in a land far, far away.”
Hosanna, hosanna, O let us gladly sing.
How blessed that our Lord was born.
Let earth receive her King.
Across the sea in Bethlehem,
Lord Jesus came to earth
As Samuel had prophesied,
And angels sang his birth.
Hosanna, hosanna, O let us gladly sing.
How blessed that our Lord was born.
Isn't it fun to be old enough to leave up whatever we want for as long as we want?? I remember this little navitity from your other home. Happy Christmastime, Joanie!!
I have a small problem with buying a new nativity or two every year. I LOVE them!!!! The Hosanna chorus gets me every time! My sweet Carrie loves singing that part, and it will forever hold a place in my heart as it is her first Christmas song she learned in Primary. (Great minds think alike, I think!)
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