I have a theory... if you use up all your energy when you are young then you are tired when you get old. Camille tells me she thinks even if you *save* your energy you will still be tired when you get old. Maybe she's right...
She also asked me if taking care of the boys was like being a mom again; my answer is no... I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I get to enjoy my little boys but I know I don't have to get up this early and do this much work for the next 10 years ;)!
But this was a good day. The boys have been very cooperative. They've gotten up on time (sort of) and we
HAVE been out the door and to the bus stop with a few minutes to spare. I DID take my camera
this day... so I could snap a photo of my little darlings getting onto the bus. I just love this Lomo action. It adds such depth to the photo.
FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerFrames, (A2D)_Lomo
After school Brock and Caden both got their homework done speedy-quick and got to play with friends (Tadhg did too, but his friend was busy). Brock went to Q's house and Caden had M come over here (can you say
Hillside Taxi?) I was inside and in comes M, "Grammie, Caden wants you to come and see what he is doing!" (I like that I am Grammie to everybody!) I found him up one of the beautiful pines that grow in abundance around here. I boosted M up and got several shots of my little monkey-boys up a tree. Doesn't M look like he belongs in this family with his red hair? (M's sister is a brunette like Caden... suppose there was a mix up? Nope, because Caden looks just like his Mama.)

The boys went to be on time and now Grammie has a few minutes to play with all the photos she took today and make a wonderful memory for years to come.
Yes... it was a very good day!