I mowed today and was looking at my flower garden. In the spring I bought my petunias in spits and spurts instead of a flat all at once; consequently I have an interesting mix. One day, I don't remember where, I found this ruffled purple petunia and I only bought the one. I've always love petunias, but particularly the ruffled variety. I need to make a note to myself to find and buy more of the ruffled ones next year.
Petunias always remind me of home and the Plumas Co Fair which, indecently, starts Thursday. I would love to jump into a time machine and be transport back 45 years to the fair; with all of its sights and smells...
ahh... I can smell it from here: petunias, cotton candy, corn dogs, sweaty carnies, grease from the rides, the livestock and... more petunias.
These look like little peonies to me! SO pretty and ruffly. I remember going to the Plumas Co Fair once as a child. It WAS a magical experience!
They are lovely! I have never seen them so full and ruffley.
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