But it seems that it appreciated the cutting; it has sent out a second, even more copious, set of blooms. There have got to be several DOZEN on the bush. Wow... who knew?
This is one of those serendipitous photos that is perfect SOOC (straight out of camera)! With all that time saved on editing I had fun creating an August frame.
JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, FONT- Felix Titling
Joanie, this is absolutely gorgeous. How can you take photos like that, I am still struggling even with my really good camera. Wow!
You've discovered the way roses like to be treated. And they will reward you with a second set of blooms when you do just what you did. I can even get a third and fourth bloom out of mine if I prune them repeatedly. Except this year, I'm purposefully not doing a summer prune in order to conserve water.
I love the water droplets, Joanie. And I love Cindy's comments. Guess you can always learn something!
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