Oct 8, 2009

281- Bridal Veil Falls

So how many Bridal Veil Falls do you think there are in the United States? A quick Google search brought up: Utah, Colorado, Yosemite (CA), North Carolina, and Oregon... and that was just the suggested searches... I didn't even look at any of the 255,ooo hits!

281- Bridal Veil Falls Ut

But this is Utah's Bridal Veil Falls. Since we've had early rain and snow the falls are flowing quite fast for October! I felt the water and it was icy cold. You know, I always want to drink water like that! Giardia be dammed (get that pun? giardia comes from beavers! bwahahahaha) But seeing as how I have had Giardia... I do heed the warning not to drink stream water... but it always makes me so sad. I can just taste it: cold, sweet, bubbly, refreshing... oh how I miss that.


Mom and Dad said...

You really did go to Provo Canyon, didn't you? What a fun outing!
Have never seen the falls with the autumn colors. Nice.

Shan said...

Plus, also, I had giardia for over 4 months before I knew what it was. I'm sorry for your bum because I was sure sorry for mine.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful falls. I think the number of Bridal Veil falls is about the same as Red Rock Canyons. The water does look delicious. boo hoo, BAD giardia.

Sarah E Boucher said...

Wow! That is beautiful! I've seen this place a long time ago, but how stunning is it surrounded by fall colors? Love it!