BRUSHES- Hof3 Sample Kit, AASPN_BasicMaskGradient, FONT- Papyrus ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, (A2D)_Lomo
But, you know, I'm struggling with the mental version of Severe Tire Damnation (I had an educator friend who used to refer to is as Minimal Brain Dysfunction... yeah, well, I'm having some maximal brain dysfunction!!) I've always struggled with my dyslexia but when I am under emotional stress (like after my children died) it gets really bad.
I've been struggling with some emotional issues lately, you know the kind, you have no control over the situation because it's not your choices that are causing the stress. I think I'm handling it pretty well, using my mantra of "It's ok! Because it has to be ok!", until I try to do something like: typing (my fingers won't type correctly), singing (I can't read the word and the music and make LOTS of mistakes), express myself to a group (say the wrong words, forget what I'm saying, etc) and then I realize that, no, I'm not dealing so well with the stress. I suppose that it is an emotional barometer that lets me know that subconsciously I'm not coping with the stress.
The good news is that I have an understanding family, I can laugh at my mistakes without thinking that I'm as stupid as I sound, and, yes, have a good cry... what else can I do?
Me, too! Only my family makes fun of me when I accidentally say something ridiculous. But they love me and let me cry whenever I want. Well, except for when I'm reading to them. Then I get the "what's wrong with her?" look.
That Josh is too silly! He makes me giggle. Thank heaven for fun family who make the doldrums of life a little less doldrummy. :)
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