Tonight we had an object to our mission... pick up Miss Camille's wedding dress. I knew that we would need to include Desi, Camille's sister-by-choice (I am so grateful for family, regardless of how we get them!) As it turned out we also brought Emmalie along and baby Blake went to Priesthood with his daddy and grandpa.
Miss Emmalie Camille loves her Auntie Camille. What a precious pair!
Little girls just come hard-wired to love weddings. I captured Miss Emmie doing what little girls do best! (this is NOT Camille's dress!)
Here there are... my girls! We've often discussed how much Desi and I are alike and how much Camille and Andrea are alike. Like I said... I love my family!
I have to admit... as I took this photo there were tears in my eyes. Somehow the last 24 years have just gone way too fast.
My tears just joined yours. Such perfect wonderful pictures.
Love P
So fun! THAT'S an extrogen-filled girlie night right there. Love it!
Joanie, you capture sweet and tender memories in your little marsupial pocket -- and maybe I'm talking about the pocket, not the camera.
Anyway, how choice!!
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