Whenever I see an apple tree in blossom it takes me back to the old apple tree that lived on *the lot* (a large grassy area across the dirt driveway from our tiny house). It was a glorious tree when in bloom. Mom would set up the picnic table under the apple tree and a couple of years we had a hammock! But it usually never produced anything but wormy apples. As I've become more apple tree savvy I've learned that if you want apples you need to spray! Sad, but true.

Since moving to our home here in Utah we've been blessed with a marvelous apple tree...
IF IT IS SPRAYED; if it isn't sprayed all the apples drop before they ever get ripe. The fruit is large, crisp and sweet. I can hardly wait for apple harvest in October!
But for
this-day I will enjoy the loveliness of the evening sun shining through the apple blossoms.
Apple blossoms make me smile. There is something wonderful about their delicate petals and their light scent. I haven't ever sprayed my tree and last year I was able to get some nice sized apples. The secret for mine was to thin out the crop (which I hadn't been doing... DUH!)
I so enjoy your flower shots, you fix them up perfectly!!!
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