Can I just say again how grateful I am for our sons? They are so good to us in doing the little (or not-so-little) jobs that need to be done.
This fence is an excellent example; I am no part of the work force. I just go look and say, "Wow, that looks great!" and then go back inside or go shopping or... whatever! It is amazingly wonderful. For years I was the driving force, the team captain, the go-to-mom (oh wait, they only told me were to go if they were angry... not really- bwahahahahaha). I am so grateful that our boys will just pitch in and do this for us. What a marvelous blessing! And, let me tell you, this *old* mom is very thankful!!
Isn't this a beautiful sight?
Great fence. Wonderful sons. You are a blessed mom.
Your fence does look nice. I need this done to our swing set. Hmmmm maybe a little hint to the hubby.
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