Do I have a story... (I love stories!)
I have a thing about rocks! Not a new attraction, mind you, I've had it for years. I have special rocks ferreted away all over the place. They range in size from
OH.My.Stinkin.Heck to
tiny ones that float (yes, there really are rocks that float!) And, you will notice, I have a label/tag *rocks*. Different, but there you are!
In June when I was cleaning up flower beds, fighting with the sprinkler system and the like I got the great idea to take an otherwise ugly corner in the little island situated between the driveway, sidewalk and front porch and create a rock garden.
But before I tell you about the rock garden, now in beautiful full bloom I have to...
*back up the story truck*!
I've blogged before about
this particular rock.
When I stopped to take this photo last March 19th the thought occurred to me that perhaps I'd like to take some Feather River rocks home with me! I tried to figure out how to get this one home! (bwahahahaha... don't be
What about this one? OK! (heavy sigh)
I finally had to settle for these (decomposed granite) that had come crashing down on the road in the recent winter storms...
I brought them home and put them in the garage to wait until I decided what I would do with them.
You know that I love to create: sewing, quilting, painting, crafting, gardening... but usually I just do what I like! I don't think much about the symbolism of my creation. I can only think of a couple times that symbolism is what has driven a project. This project: my rock garden didn't start out to be symbolic but when I finished I realized that there was so much symbolism there I couldn't ignore it!
Hens and chicks were in this ugly, little corner when I move here and managed to survive with minimal attention. These
sweet little survivors would get to take center stage right there with my
Feather River rocks. That was the start...
As I'd just re-potted my house plants I had my
Shamrock plant: which dates back to my
Joanie O'Kelley days. I had a bunch of little light pink bulbs left and decided to add some of these. Also
Aloe Vera that used to grow in a
protected corner in my
Palmdale garden.
DeLoris and I had been plant shopping and I found this beautiful tri-colored Sedum...
another tenacious survivor.
I wanted some height so I added a pot with
petunias, of course, and a beautiful geranium that called to me. Then I filled in and around the bed with my
plenteous supply Hobble Creek rocks (that literally grow in my soil here. Truly, rocks percolate up through the soil because of the freezing/thawing process... so they must GROW!)
Then, last Sunday, our Relief Society lesson was President Uchtdorf's Conference address
The Merciful Obtain Mercy (aka
*Stop It*). As an object lesson Noelle gave each of the Relief Society Presidency a large rock to hold... for the whole lesson! Colleen Lee started to doodle on her's writing key phrases from the lesson on her rock.
I KNEW I had to have that rock for my rock garden.
So, what of the symbolism?
- ROCKS = My Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my sure foundation! (And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall. Helaman 5:12)
- HENS & CHICKS = Those wonderful, eternal family ties! (My Celestial children, my parents!)
- SURVIVORS = I am one!
- SHAMROCK PLANT = Not just luck... but the CHOICE to be happy even when things go terrible wrong.
- ALOE VERA = that wonderful healing balm.
- PALMDALE (a protected corner) = a place where my roots grew deep! I still have roots there!
- DeLORIS = my friends, who are also survivors, who help me on my rocky road.
- PETUNIAS = this sweet smelling flower will always remind me of my dear Mom! I must have them in my gardens.
- HOBBLE CREEK ROCKS = my new home... I'm so grateful for all of the wonderful, bounteous blessings that have come to me here. Yes, more roots that just seem to connect right back to my Greenville days of small town, mountains, and seasons.
- *STOP IT* = The constant need to forgive AND be forgiven.
Every time I look at my wonderful rock garden, which is almost daily, it makes me happy and reminds me of all of the blessings I have.