Feb 20, 2009

051- Basking

The last few weeks we've had more temperate days- you know, days in the high 40s! Now if I was still in Palmdale I would think that these were freezy-weezy-days, but I live in Utah now and appreciate these warmer days. Even though we've had several snow storms that have left several inches of snow each, the warmer temperatures have melted most of it (except my glaciers [say *glA-cee-ers*] down at the bottom of the driveway!)

I've noticed these beautiful rose leaves that have hung on during this long cold winter and thought they were so beautiful. Today on my way up to the Temple I had my trusty camera and finally got the macro shot I wanted of them. I just love the way they look like they are basking in the sun. It makes me want to pull out a chaise lounge and go lie out in the sun... but, maybe not yet... maybe I wait until it gets at least into the 50s!

FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerGrids-9, NRJ_Chalk_Over_1


the Petterson Family said...

Thanks Joanie, I love your photography...you are too sweet, God bless.

Dean and Sheri said...

Beautiful Joanie. Simply Beautiful

Anke said...

that picture is really awesome Joanie! I just went over some of your posts and they are really interesting. I love the one about the Ent, never thought about it that way! Great insights!

Sarah E Boucher said...

UT is so weird! The 40's feel warm in the winter but wretched in Summer/Fall. But I know how you feel...I sport a jacket whenever I can and soak up as much natural vitamin D as possible. But your picture makes me sad for the Spring that is not here yet.