One of the first times I was driving my friend DeLoris I noticed that we have Ents marching up Maple Mountain. They aren't so noticeable in the summer, but in the winter they stand out clearly.
FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerGrids-9, (A2D)_Lomo Action, CoffeeShop Sweet Bakery Glazes Action, Vanilla
The last time I listened to the Lord of the Rings one passage jumped out at me. It is Treebeard, the Ent, speaking of the evil wizard Saruman.
"... his face, as I remember it-- I have not seen it for many a day-- became like windows in a stone wall: windows with shutters inside." [The Two Towers; Book III, p. 76]
I've reflected on that quote since I jotted it down last fall. I've reflected on how our countenance displays who we are and who we represent. Do we see His image in our countenance? Does the Light of Christ shine in our eyes?
I am reminded of a story I heard that is attributed to Abraham Lincoln (who we all know was not a good looking man). Someone was encouraging him to choose a man for his staff and Mr. Lincoln said, "I don't like his face." The other man questioned him on that; how can you not like a man for the way their face looks? The answer was simple; by the time you get to be the age of the man in question you are responsible for how your face looks.
Again, windows in a stone wall: windows with shutters inside or the Light of Christ in our eyes... always our choice.
I love this post Joanie. Thank you so much.
Booo-raaah-roooon!!! (I love entish!)
Jim Dale is hands down the best reader I have ever listened to. Someday I'm going to listen to Lord of the Rings, I've never even seen the movies.
Joan we are both on Facebook with lots of pictures. If you have an account look us up and we will become Friends.
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