This temple is beautifully situated on the foothills of the South Salt Lake Valley just off Bangerter Hwy. You can see all the way to Mt Nebo to the south (which the entire length or Utah County) and well beyond Ensign Peak to the north. But the view to the east is the one that inspires me; within easy view I can see the Jordon River and Draper Temples. What a wonderful testimony to the faithfulness of the saints.
I hope you all have a beautiful day, I will!
FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerGrids-9, (A2D)_Lomo Action, Defogging technique
Aunt Joanie ... you were right by our house! :) We love driving by the temple!
We have been enjoying the temple every time we drive up to Andy and Becky's or Joe and Jen's. It is beautiful, although it has never looked this finished before. Loved the day we went up and drove around it and looked at the houses. Such a privilege to enjoy temples!
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