I looked at my thermometer about 11am and it said 59, WHAT??? I know that this is an accurate thermometer as it lives in the shade on the north side of my house. After soaking my aching back in a hot bath I harnessed up the doggies (ok, only one dog... and I only put on a collar and leash!) I took the most wonderful spring day walk. When I arrived home this is what I found on my trusty thermometer! I could hardly believe my eyes.
FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerGrids-9, KPertiet_FreshlyWornPhotoBrushes-1
Now I'm not so naive as to think that spring truly is here for good... BUT... WOW... I will take a day like this anytime! We may get more snow and it may last... but to have a day like this in February in Springville... that's heaven!
The other big news is I spent all day yesterday cleaning and organizing my workroom. Boy, what a mess and what a job. I realized that I'd neglected this for way too long when I was looking for something under my table and the dust bunnies attacked me (foul-tempered-rodent!). I still need to take everything out of my closet and adjust the shelves so I can fit my two big purple paper totes in there. Then I'll only have the big red scrapper that lives under my cutting table.
Wow! That's the room of my dreams!
Wasn't it nice today? We had to do a firedrill and I am pleased that while we were standing in snow (or really slush), we weren't cold! (Just some of the kids had to touch everything on the ground/fence/friends nearby...always helpful.)
Its a beautiful 72 degrees in Vegas.
Your room is so gorgeous, Joanie. So airy!! I am so late with this comment that you may never read it, but I had to tell you what a wonderful airy place you have to work!!
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