The answer is this... a long time ago... way last year (OK, so only 5 weeks ago) when I was doing my POTD one of my goals was to have a photo of each of our family members. It wasn't until I sent out my New Year's letter that DD wrote and told me that I'd forgotten Ryan and Nikki [sorry guys, didn't mean to ;)]. Ryan and Nikki live up in Saratoga Springs and are busy so we don't get to see them too often, but we love it when they call up and tell us they are coming on down to see us. So when they arrived a couple of days ago I hardly let them get in the door before I told them I needed a photo!
Since they were standing in front of our entry closet door I knew I wanted to pretty it up some. As I looked at all the fun overlays I've collected this one by my niece, Cindy, just jumped out at me. I played with the blending mode [multiply on the roses. I also added granite-soft light 64% opacity] Wow, doesn't it look like springtime! I love this effect! Thank you so much Cindy for these beautiful overlays.
FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerGrids-9, Distressed_American_Rose, Granite
Does your Daughter teach at Snow Springs? If so, what grade? I taught 6th grade there after we got married, until we moved up here. I still have friends that teach there.
Funny actually, this is DIL and she isn't the teacher. Camille works at Saratoga Shores! but lives in Provo.
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