This morning I was talking on the phone with my sister watching the rain from my workroom window. I have this little lake [you've heard of Lake Louise? well, this one is Lake Lewis ;)]. I love to watch the raindrops hit my little lake and create their concentric circles.
I threw on my coat over my pj's, still on the phone, and went out to the middle of the street to squat down and get *just that right shot*. [do you suppose anyone saw me? do I care? apparently not!]
Then I tried out a defogging technique by Noel Culbertson... oh my,did it every make a wonderful difference! I love the way it pulled out the details (thus, getting rid of the fog!) I am always so heartened by the generosity of so many talented people who freely share their talents with the rest of us. You know... there really are LOTS of good people out there! I am so thankful that I know that!
This is the view from my workroom window... have I mentioned before how much I love it?
Thank you SO MUCH for the link to the defogging technique! I'm going to have fun playing with THAT one! And I love the view from your bedroom window too (so did Simba if I remember correctly).
I love the picture in the puddle... fun idea!
My honey, I think somebody should have taken the opportunity to get a snapshot of a little coat-an-pajama-clad lady out in the street with a camera. What is WRONG with your neighbors!?
I loved talking to you that day!! You nutty kid, you are fun!
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