So with that as an excuse, here is my real post for day 140...
Growing up we had an enormous white locust tree in our back yard. Daddy built me a tree fort in this tree. Every spring when it would bloom the smell was just heavenly! I love that sweet, wonderful, memory-evoking smell.
When we moved here to Springville I found out that there is also a purple variety of this wonderful tree. I purchased a Purple Robe Locust down at the local Sunroc hardware store and planted it in the front yard. It is a beautiful tree and mine has flowered twice each season since I planted it (which I don't think is normal). It only has one weakness (literally) the wood tends to be quite brittle and our *canyon breezes* have broken off several limbs. I hope it survives... but in the meantime... I wait for that lovely smell each spring.
Oh my! I hope your eye is feeling better. Not good. Eye injuries are not fun at all. And neither are trips to the ER.
So sorry about your eye. Don't need that!!!
I have wondered about your beautiful tree. Am glad you got a picture ... and also the memories.
Get your little peepers better, Joanie!
Love ya, Annie
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