When I look at the seemingly small area- about 6' x 10' that I cleared I wonder what was so hard and what took so long... I had to remove all the sod, a shovelful at a time, move a sprinkler about 8', level and lay flagstone to create the pad and then I added my own *home-grown* river rock in the corner. (Yep, I grow them here... I clean out a flowerbed of all rocks and next season there's a whole new crop... what do you suppose the seed is? Sand??) I've still got enough rock to finish the corner between the pad and water valve cover... I save that photo for another day.
And the other thing... have you notice how Harley is always in the picture... it's his bid for fame!
Harley is a funny guy!
I wish I could grow rocks in MY garden. You KNOW how I love rocks and I can't get enough of them. Can you grow some for me? ;-)
I love your flagstone pad. Flagstone is a fave of mine. You've done a terrific job.
Love the expression on Harley's face as he surveys the newest development. He definitely adds "color" and "personality" to your pic!!
Good gravy, Joanie! What a lot of work you went to to get your deck! Hooray for YOU!!
Harley really is a cute little guy, isn't he?
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