This morning Gordon asked me if I'd like to try the Nebo Loop again since the last time we went (4 weeks ago) it was still closed with snow across the top. My first reply was that I was up to my eyebrows in wedding stuff. But after I'd worked for several hours on my latest project (more to come soon) I knew I needed a little break. So Pap, Pup and I took off for a big explore.
It was a perfect day, not too hot, everything a bright vibrant green and lots of things to take photos of.
Mt Nebo was so beautiful in all of his glorious green robes.

The Nebo Loop is one of these little narrow mountain road that winds its way around in the Uinta National Forest... where there is plenty of open range grazing. We came around a corner and smack-dab into this herd of cows... RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. And they were asking why we were disturbing their afternoon stroll.

I love the look of this little dun-colored calf with his fashion-statement #33 earring. He must have lost the set because he was wearing #10 in the other ear. Dapper little man!

Not too far from him was his little scaredy-calf cousin. He couldn't like us at all!

And here was the moogalette choir headed for higher ground.

But the funniest thing happened when my camera wasn't ready. There was a little feisty red calf down on the road. A motorcycle came roaring around the corner and feisty calf made a run at it... no scaredy calf there!
The one thing I wanted to do was take the hike around
Payson Lakes. There is a very nice asphalted trail that meanders its way around Big East Lake. It is such a beautiful stroll. Harley and I (Pap waited in the car) took off on our explore. The first thing we saw were two naughty dogs (no, good dogs, naughty owners) running loose... but they were not photo worthy canines.
Then we came across this flotilla of ducks. Ms. Mama Duck and her 10 little ducklings were gliding along on the calm lake.

I was so fixed on this Mama that I almost missed Ms. Mama + 2! I wonder if the second Mama was sad that she only had two babies?

But this, THIS is the epitome of a summer afternoon activity... a young man fly fishing. I just stood there and watched his quiet rhythm. It made me want to go join him.

As we were leaving Payson Lakes (after inspecting all the campsites which were mostly reserved for the 4th weekend) we came upon this meadow skirted by aspens and billowing clouds in the cerulean sky.

We made several other stops to capture the sights of this lovely summer afternoon including Utah Lake stretching its way up the valley. What a gorgeous day!