Today I took my friend, DeLoris, out to the last of $2 Tuesdays at Thanksgiving Point to see the gardens. It was my redemption for forgetting to take her a promise dinner on Sunday afternoon... yes, I know, I'm a sad sorry little girl with maximal brain-dysfunction!
As I was getting ready to leave Gordon reminded me that I must get a golf cart to tour the gardens. It is always the best decision to listen to him when he has a good idea.
On our way down the hill we met an older couple picnicking in the shade; she was in a wheelchair and he was the pusher! We had a short conversation about the wisdom of renting a golf cart.
One of our first stops was at the koi pond.
Are these just the biggest bunch of piggy-fish you've ever seen? Look at all those hungry-fat-begger-fish mouths. Eww, and they have whiskers!
We ran into our older couple again at the rose garden and he was looking very tired. We agreed that we'd meet them at the bottom of the up hill. After the rose garden we saw them again and he was lookin' so hang-dog. I told them to hop on the back and we would treat them to the rest of the tour.
After a foot tour of my favorite place, the Secret Garden, we motored the rest of the tour.
When we reached the top the our new friends were very appreciative and I got to tell them, "It was my very great pleasure!"