That is the story of my Walmart run for the next 10 months! (How rude!) 4th South (aka SR-77) has been the object of disrepair almost since we moved here. First it was a new water line, then more auxiliary or secondary water lines that they found to be failing when they put in the new water line. Now it is a project to a) widen 4th South from Main St to 1700 West (Walmart's street) to 5 lanes and add two new bridges, both of which "fly-over" the local railroad tracks. The powers-that-be decided that the best way to do this was to close 4th South so that the project could be completed in 11 months as opposed to 18 months if they had to accommodate traffic. Did they consult me to see if this would be an imposition? No, not them!
I've been anxious to document this challenge to navigating east-west in my little town and I got it before winter returned. I got the idea to do a composite photo from the tutorial I did last week of Ethan. I'm very pleased with the way it turned out. I creates visually the feeling I have every time I have to detour to get to the freeway/Walmart. I discovered that changing the color of the background makes all the difference in the look of the sign layer (blending mode- difference). What fun.
FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerGrids-9, Sign layer blending to difference, NRJ_ACRYLIC_OVER_2, AASPN_MaskingGradient_TB5
This second shot is the section of road between the two bridges... I had to use stealth and cunning to get here!!! (LOL)
Oh goodness! I feel for you. This has to be such an inconvenience in so many ways. What a royal pain it must be.
That is so cool Joanie!
...the photo, not the road construction!!
Love, Sheri
Well that sure sucks...but it makes for an interesting photo! (Somebody once said we only have 2 seasons in Utah: road construction and getting ready for road construction.)
This is a reason I am happy I am in Spanish Fork. The way we get to Springville is the back way- so we haven't even felt inconvenienced at all so far... BUT- sorry that you have to deal with it. It sure makes for a cool picture! :)
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