Feb 12, 2009

043 The Storms of Life

I've been forced to examine the storms of life in the last few days. The good news is that these storms aren't hitting me directly, but it is also difficult to watch that ominous storm front descend on a loved one.

043 storm
FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerGrids-9, (A2D)_Lomo Action

This has caused me reflect, yet again, on how we weather these storms. Choice, we always have that wonderful opportunity of choice. Do we choose to remain strong and faithful, built upon that sure Rock and Foundation, even Jesus Christ, or do we crumble and get washed away with the sands as did the Foolish Man?

043 after the storm
FONTS- Problem Secretary, CK Cursive, BRUSH- KPertiet_LedgerGrids-9, CoffeeShop Bakery Glazes Action

I am so grateful that the Lord, in his tender mercies, has taught me to remain strong and immovable, built upon His Rock so that when the sun comes out (and it always does) I will be found on the other side, in the sunshine, somewhat weathered, but still standing. It is my fervent prayer that my friends, my loved ones, will be blessed by those same tender mercies and they will be anchored during their storms.

(You know who you are and that I love and pray for you daily!)


Sarah E Boucher said...

Lovely auntie...the photos, the message and you! It seems that I run and run and run all the time and hardly take time to enjoy this beautiful world we live in...but occasionally it just takes me by surprise and I am forced to stop and appreciate the beauty around me. Thanks for making me stop to smell the roses auntie.

Dean and Sheri said...

I think you just summarized and bore testimony of Helaman 5:12. Thank you Joanie. What a great blog entry...
Love, Sheri

ps The swans are beautiful! You found those out on a walk near your home?!