FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo V_2, TEXTURE- Clouds & Birds, Night Faux
Nov 30, 2009
334- Moonrise
I happened to be outside at exactly the right moment tonight... just as the sun was setting and turning the mountains gold and the full moon was peeking over Hobble Creek Canyon. What a beautiful sight.

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo V_2, TEXTURE- Clouds & Birds, Night Faux
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo V_2, TEXTURE- Clouds & Birds, Night Faux
Nov 29, 2009
333- Shaggy Beast 2
Yesterday I posted about my shaggy little beast friend and my striking resemblance. I said that I'd chosen not to take a photo, but since my sister, Sue, asked... here you go...
My best version of shaggy beast taken in the bathroom mirror this morning.

Do you know how hard it is to take a photo of yourself in the mirror with a dSLR camera?

And I had to include an out take...

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, TEXTURE- Soft-Faux-n-Grunge-Bokeh
My best version of shaggy beast taken in the bathroom mirror this morning.
Do you know how hard it is to take a photo of yourself in the mirror with a dSLR camera?
And I had to include an out take...
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, TEXTURE- Soft-Faux-n-Grunge-Bokeh
Nov 28, 2009
332- Shaggy Beast
This funny little guy lives out in the fields of North Utah Co. Whenever I see a shaggy little face like this I always think, "How can he see?"

Since I took this photos I was doing my hair one morning and with my hair is longer I start from the bottom and work up. I use my big pick to section off and hold up the top hair until I get to the very top...
So now picture this- all of my hair is nice and curled except the top (the forelock) which is combed forward, just like the pony, while I section off and curl the top (and, no, I chose not to take a photo of myself looking like the pony!)
And you know what? I can see just fine through my shaggy-beast forelock!
Since I took this photos I was doing my hair one morning and with my hair is longer I start from the bottom and work up. I use my big pick to section off and hold up the top hair until I get to the very top...
So now picture this- all of my hair is nice and curled except the top (the forelock) which is combed forward, just like the pony, while I section off and curl the top (and, no, I chose not to take a photo of myself looking like the pony!)
And you know what? I can see just fine through my shaggy-beast forelock!
Nov 27, 2009
Nov 26, 2009
330- Happy Thanksgiving
I was a little hesitant that having a second Thanksgiving dinner in 11 days might be a little too much. NOT SO! We made the whole feast, and boy, was it yummy! I got out Grandma Lewis' china and silverware and it reminded me so much of those by-gone years of Thanksgiving at Gramma Munce's house. There are so many happy memories all tied up with Thanksgiving. I've said before that it is my favoritest holiday!

Camille finally got to make the orange rolls start to finish all by herself! And I have to say that these are the best orange rolls we've ever had!! Yummy X 2!

And where was Stuart during all of this cooking and baking? Yup, in the dungeon playing our cutting edge technology Nintendo 64!

Jamie, Camille's room mate, came to dine with us... shortly after dinner everyone was asleep except me!
Camille finally got to make the orange rolls start to finish all by herself! And I have to say that these are the best orange rolls we've ever had!! Yummy X 2!
And where was Stuart during all of this cooking and baking? Yup, in the dungeon playing our cutting edge technology Nintendo 64!
Jamie, Camille's room mate, came to dine with us... shortly after dinner everyone was asleep except me!
Nov 25, 2009
329- Maple Mountain *Sunrise*
You all know, by now, that I live in the wonderful Wasatch front of the Rocky Mountains. I'm tucked back in a little area called Spring Cove. I have a beautiful view of Maple Mountain out my bedroom window. I've mentioned before that it is *my* mountain. I grew up in the High Sierra Nevada Mountains in Northern California and mountains are just in my blood.
When I was out at Camille's school I noticed that across the lake to the SE was *MY* mountain... looking beautiful, as usual. I pulled out my trusty dSLR and snapped away but when I got home I was disappointed with what my camera had captured... it wasn't what my eyes saw!
This is why I love PhotoShop! It allows me artistic license with my photos. And today, once I got started... well, I'll just show you what my heart saw!

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, OVERLAY- Sun Shower (left), Sunrise
Here is the untouched photo... I like what my heart saw better!
When I was out at Camille's school I noticed that across the lake to the SE was *MY* mountain... looking beautiful, as usual. I pulled out my trusty dSLR and snapped away but when I got home I was disappointed with what my camera had captured... it wasn't what my eyes saw!
This is why I love PhotoShop! It allows me artistic license with my photos. And today, once I got started... well, I'll just show you what my heart saw!
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, OVERLAY- Sun Shower (left), Sunrise
Here is the untouched photo... I like what my heart saw better!
Nov 24, 2009
328- Frozen Thistle
Yesterday on my explore out to Miss Lewis' class I had my camera at the ready to take photos of all the interesting things I KNEW I would see. I wasn't disappointed! There are just so many wonderful things to see and capture on film on that trek across the valley to the far side of the lake. I will be sharing those with you over the next few days.
We had a light but blowing snow on Sunday night and although much of it had melted, the north face of this tenacious thistle was still ice encrusted. I love how you can see the bubbles in the ice! I got this with my 50mm lens! This is untouched except a slight unsharpen mask (which never makes sense to me since an unsharpen mask sharpens things!!)

Growing up I always liked the look of a thistle in full bloom... (but I couldn't like it when I stepped on them in our lawn! This is where you laugh like a manic, P!) Where I lived we had purple and pink. Since leaving Greenville I've only seen purple until...

Camille and I hiked the Y last spring! I was so happy to see that there are pink thistles here too.
We had a light but blowing snow on Sunday night and although much of it had melted, the north face of this tenacious thistle was still ice encrusted. I love how you can see the bubbles in the ice! I got this with my 50mm lens! This is untouched except a slight unsharpen mask (which never makes sense to me since an unsharpen mask sharpens things!!)
Growing up I always liked the look of a thistle in full bloom... (but I couldn't like it when I stepped on them in our lawn! This is where you laugh like a manic, P!) Where I lived we had purple and pink. Since leaving Greenville I've only seen purple until...
Camille and I hiked the Y last spring! I was so happy to see that there are pink thistles here too.
Nov 23, 2009
327- Show and Tell
So are you wondering why I have a picture of all these cute *ickle first's* bums? If you look very closely you will see my Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt top in the middle of all of them... and under it are half a dozen assorted quilts that I brought in for *Show & Tell*!
This is the second year that Miss Lewis has invited me to her classroom to show & tell about my quilts. The class has just completed a unit on quilts where they learned all the different shapes. I am always amazed at how much they know. Last year I even learned what a rhombus is! And this year I learned what a quadrilateral is! Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

I just love going into Camille's class. I love children! If I could go back and have a *do-over* (which I wouldn't- for so many reasons!!) I would make sure to get my teaching degree so I could work with these delightful little ones all the time.
After Miss Joanie's *show & tell* the children were off to singing time. Just down the hall is a kiva room where they have group activities. It has a nice rotunda ceiling and the sound is beautiful. Just imagine 175+ 1st graders singing their hearts out! One of the seven (yes, 7 first grade classes) teachers plays the piano beautifully! I set my quilt basket down in the hallway and stayed to listen to them sing... it really doesn't get much better than children singing; and I not ashamed to admit they made me cry!
This is the second year that Miss Lewis has invited me to her classroom to show & tell about my quilts. The class has just completed a unit on quilts where they learned all the different shapes. I am always amazed at how much they know. Last year I even learned what a rhombus is! And this year I learned what a quadrilateral is! Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?
I just love going into Camille's class. I love children! If I could go back and have a *do-over* (which I wouldn't- for so many reasons!!) I would make sure to get my teaching degree so I could work with these delightful little ones all the time.
After Miss Joanie's *show & tell* the children were off to singing time. Just down the hall is a kiva room where they have group activities. It has a nice rotunda ceiling and the sound is beautiful. Just imagine 175+ 1st graders singing their hearts out! One of the seven (yes, 7 first grade classes) teachers plays the piano beautifully! I set my quilt basket down in the hallway and stayed to listen to them sing... it really doesn't get much better than children singing; and I not ashamed to admit they made me cry!
Nov 22, 2009
326- Miss Lewis
You think that you've lost out on school photos once your child graduates from high school but there is a definite perk to having a daughter teach school! I still get school photos. Yay, yay for Miss Lewis!
I'm still a lucky Mommie to have such a beautiful daughter! Love you Miss Lewis!

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURE- dirty watercolor, PHOTO BY- Photo by CoryAdamsPhotography
This photo taken by Cory Adams Photography.
I'm still a lucky Mommie to have such a beautiful daughter! Love you Miss Lewis!
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURE- dirty watercolor, PHOTO BY- Photo by CoryAdamsPhotography
This photo taken by Cory Adams Photography.
Nov 21, 2009
325- A Bright New Day
Yesterday I had two choices for POTD and In-n-Out won! So today I get to showcase what I am VERY THANKFUL for!!
Back in January the city closed 4th South between Main St and Wal-Mart (1750 W). They told us if they closed the road they could complete the construction in 11 months instead of 18! The project was: tear down one old railroad overpass, built 2 new railroad overpasses and widen the road to 5 lanes. I blogged about it then. I knew it would be a hassle but I didn't realize just how much!!! To add insult to injury the city ended up doing a major re-do on 4th S between Main and 13th E... so this meant that the main artery for us to get ANYWHERE was closed and we got to weave around on all the little back roads that Springville has to offer!
BUT, but...
yesterday the city, as promised, opened 4th S before Thanksgiving! Yay... hooray!

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- Dust Clouds, Sunny Marsh, Meadow3
Back in January the city closed 4th South between Main St and Wal-Mart (1750 W). They told us if they closed the road they could complete the construction in 11 months instead of 18! The project was: tear down one old railroad overpass, built 2 new railroad overpasses and widen the road to 5 lanes. I blogged about it then. I knew it would be a hassle but I didn't realize just how much!!! To add insult to injury the city ended up doing a major re-do on 4th S between Main and 13th E... so this meant that the main artery for us to get ANYWHERE was closed and we got to weave around on all the little back roads that Springville has to offer!
BUT, but...
yesterday the city, as promised, opened 4th S before Thanksgiving! Yay... hooray!
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- Dust Clouds, Sunny Marsh, Meadow3
Nov 20, 2009
324- In-n-Out...
In-n-Out... that's what a hamburger's all about! Do you remember this jingle?
I wrote almost two months ago all stoked because I saw that we were FINALLY getting an In-n-Out in Orem. Well, it opened yesterday. I, sadly, couldn't get there yesterday, but today...
I got up early and went to do a session at the Provo Temple with the understanding that I would call Gordon when I left the Temple and headed to In-n-Out so he could meet me for lunch. I knew that traffic would be CRAZY for the drive-thru (or eat in) line. When I got there I found that the drive-thru line snaked all around the parking lot back down to 1400S and then back into the parking lot! I was in for the count!
The first In-n-Out employee I got to talk to was way at the back of the line. I asked him if he was from around here and he responded that he wasn't he was from the Bay Area in CA. He told me that In-n-Out had brought in employees from all over for this opening and that he would be here for 4-6 weeks. We chatted for a while and now I had a quest. As I got to each new parking lot director I asked where they were from and before I left wished them a happy stay in Utah. I found lots of friendly faces from CA, NV and AZ. Not surprisingly I was only in line for about 30 minutes. They really know how to move those burgers.
I finally got to where I could actually see the building! Yeah... I could almost taste my cheeseburger with grilled onions!

And here is perhaps the happiest face I saw! What a cutie! This is Shaun... tell him *hi* for me when you go get your burger!

Ah, can you smell that? Does your mouth water? It should! These are my very favoritest hamburgers in the whole world! And because I am such a nice Mommie I got Stuart lunch and delivered it (and him) to campus just in time for a class and then a test.!

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- blue church window, forest fire, etheral 2, big bokeh II, Sunlight (left), seagrass by kaleidoscope
Being Miss Curious I had to find out about the opening yesterday. I talked to another very nice lady, manager-ish age, she told me that yesterday's opening of the Orem and Draper stores was the biggest opening In-n-Out ever had. But even more impressive was the fact that Orem, alone, was in the Top 5 for grand openings! Yes... we've all been waiting for our hamburgers to get to us here in Utah!
There have been several things that I've really missed since I moved to Utah. #1 In-n-Out #2 El Pollo Loco #3 Steer n' Stein's fried zucchini... Now I have 2 out of three here! My tastebuds are happy!
I wrote almost two months ago all stoked because I saw that we were FINALLY getting an In-n-Out in Orem. Well, it opened yesterday. I, sadly, couldn't get there yesterday, but today...
I got up early and went to do a session at the Provo Temple with the understanding that I would call Gordon when I left the Temple and headed to In-n-Out so he could meet me for lunch. I knew that traffic would be CRAZY for the drive-thru (or eat in) line. When I got there I found that the drive-thru line snaked all around the parking lot back down to 1400S and then back into the parking lot! I was in for the count!
The first In-n-Out employee I got to talk to was way at the back of the line. I asked him if he was from around here and he responded that he wasn't he was from the Bay Area in CA. He told me that In-n-Out had brought in employees from all over for this opening and that he would be here for 4-6 weeks. We chatted for a while and now I had a quest. As I got to each new parking lot director I asked where they were from and before I left wished them a happy stay in Utah. I found lots of friendly faces from CA, NV and AZ. Not surprisingly I was only in line for about 30 minutes. They really know how to move those burgers.
I finally got to where I could actually see the building! Yeah... I could almost taste my cheeseburger with grilled onions!
And here is perhaps the happiest face I saw! What a cutie! This is Shaun... tell him *hi* for me when you go get your burger!
Ah, can you smell that? Does your mouth water? It should! These are my very favoritest hamburgers in the whole world! And because I am such a nice Mommie I got Stuart lunch and delivered it (and him) to campus just in time for a class and then a test.!
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- blue church window, forest fire, etheral 2, big bokeh II, Sunlight (left), seagrass by kaleidoscope
Being Miss Curious I had to find out about the opening yesterday. I talked to another very nice lady, manager-ish age, she told me that yesterday's opening of the Orem and Draper stores was the biggest opening In-n-Out ever had. But even more impressive was the fact that Orem, alone, was in the Top 5 for grand openings! Yes... we've all been waiting for our hamburgers to get to us here in Utah!
There have been several things that I've really missed since I moved to Utah. #1 In-n-Out #2 El Pollo Loco #3 Steer n' Stein's fried zucchini... Now I have 2 out of three here! My tastebuds are happy!
Nov 19, 2009
323- Holiday Toe-sies
Yes, I know I may be rushing the season... but this year Thanksgiving was on the 15th at my house so I am ready to move on.
I became enamored with these polkie-dottie toes over a year ago and I haven't done any pedicures without painting on my polkie-dotties ever since! I've had black w/white, pink w/white and green w/white... but this is the Christmas season. Jingle, jingle!

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- WeThePeople, fire damage TOTD #87 by SkeletalMess
Too bad for me that it is getting cold now and I don't get to enjoy my polkie-dotties toes so much... but at least once a week at choir practice I will have people to admire my toes. (I get so hot waving my arms for an hour that I wear as little as is possible for Sunday and kick off my shoes. Then I come home and put on the rest of my Sunday clothes to go to church... yeah, funny!)
One more funny... if you zoom way in on the photo you can see me and the rest of my quilt room in my toe ring!
I became enamored with these polkie-dottie toes over a year ago and I haven't done any pedicures without painting on my polkie-dotties ever since! I've had black w/white, pink w/white and green w/white... but this is the Christmas season. Jingle, jingle!
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- WeThePeople, fire damage TOTD #87 by SkeletalMess
Too bad for me that it is getting cold now and I don't get to enjoy my polkie-dotties toes so much... but at least once a week at choir practice I will have people to admire my toes. (I get so hot waving my arms for an hour that I wear as little as is possible for Sunday and kick off my shoes. Then I come home and put on the rest of my Sunday clothes to go to church... yeah, funny!)
One more funny... if you zoom way in on the photo you can see me and the rest of my quilt room in my toe ring!
Nov 18, 2009
322- Watercolor Leaves
When I see colors like this I just want to lick them! What delicious colors! And, do you see the little fly hangin' on the main leaf?
Nov 17, 2009
321- Origami-Mommie
DO NOT let the grandkids read this post...
Perhaps that message wasn't necessary, but I wouldn't want to spoil Christmas for my little ones.
I couldn't wait to show what I've been up to today!!
Several years ago I decided that money (yup... cold, hard cash) was the most reasonable gift for me to get for our 16 (soon to be 17) grandkids. I know I always loved getting money when I was a child. I've tried several different methods over the years but they've all gotten old as far as I'm concerned!
I had to *wander aimlessly* yesterday at Target while my sewing machine was being repaired (again) when I saw just the thing!
Gift coins... I was so excited! I knew just what I was going to do!!
So today I did a quick Google search for a template, got out my Coluzzle purse template, dug into the depths of my paper tote for Christmas paper and started crafting!
I haven't paper crafted or paper-scrapped for over a year. I had to unload my tote, organize my paper (since I'd stolen one of my wheelie totes for choir) and it looked like a bomb had gone off in here!
It was fun to get out the paper, glue runner, scissors, ink pad, dauber, chipboard letters and all the other stuff I hoard. I brought one of my backless stools up here and had a heyday at my tall table. When I was finished this is what I had!!!

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- blurred grass
I've NEVER been finished this early!
Now for a fun side note about today's texture... it is a mistake! I was taking photos of the beautiful leaves a couple of weeks ago and accidentally snapped this photo of the grass while walking. I love how it looks here using soft light blending mode and a layers mask! Who knew?
DO NOT let the grandkids read this post...
Perhaps that message wasn't necessary, but I wouldn't want to spoil Christmas for my little ones.
I couldn't wait to show what I've been up to today!!
Several years ago I decided that money (yup... cold, hard cash) was the most reasonable gift for me to get for our 16 (soon to be 17) grandkids. I know I always loved getting money when I was a child. I've tried several different methods over the years but they've all gotten old as far as I'm concerned!
I had to *wander aimlessly* yesterday at Target while my sewing machine was being repaired (again) when I saw just the thing!
Gift coins... I was so excited! I knew just what I was going to do!!
So today I did a quick Google search for a template, got out my Coluzzle purse template, dug into the depths of my paper tote for Christmas paper and started crafting!
I haven't paper crafted or paper-scrapped for over a year. I had to unload my tote, organize my paper (since I'd stolen one of my wheelie totes for choir) and it looked like a bomb had gone off in here!
It was fun to get out the paper, glue runner, scissors, ink pad, dauber, chipboard letters and all the other stuff I hoard. I brought one of my backless stools up here and had a heyday at my tall table. When I was finished this is what I had!!!
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- blurred grass
I've NEVER been finished this early!
Now for a fun side note about today's texture... it is a mistake! I was taking photos of the beautiful leaves a couple of weeks ago and accidentally snapped this photo of the grass while walking. I love how it looks here using soft light blending mode and a layers mask! Who knew?
Nov 16, 2009
320- My Friends, the Trees
You have, of course, heard me rant on before over how much I love trees. They are just so beautiful, diverse and useful. (Sounds a little like the schpeel Smokey the Bear would give you, doesn't it?)
When we moved to Utah I became acquainted with staghorn sumac aka Rhus typhina. My neighbors have several in their yard that they got as a start from her Grandmother. So one spring evening in 2006 when Brad was out working in his yard, digging the suckers up out of his lawn, I had him give me some starts. He did give me the warning that they like to spread... But I just love their majestic look. They've grown so beautifully. This is the first year they've gotten these "showy clusters of red fruit" which means that they are female trees! (Girls rock!) They are called staghorn sumac because the resemble the horns of deer when they are in velvet. See all the little prickly hairs.

When I planted these little starts they were only about 8" tall... now look at them! The largest must be about 15' tall.

And I just love how long my shadow is at 4:40pm... we are headed towards that shortest day of the year!
When we moved to Utah I became acquainted with staghorn sumac aka Rhus typhina. My neighbors have several in their yard that they got as a start from her Grandmother. So one spring evening in 2006 when Brad was out working in his yard, digging the suckers up out of his lawn, I had him give me some starts. He did give me the warning that they like to spread... But I just love their majestic look. They've grown so beautifully. This is the first year they've gotten these "showy clusters of red fruit" which means that they are female trees! (Girls rock!) They are called staghorn sumac because the resemble the horns of deer when they are in velvet. See all the little prickly hairs.
When I planted these little starts they were only about 8" tall... now look at them! The largest must be about 15' tall.
And I just love how long my shadow is at 4:40pm... we are headed towards that shortest day of the year!
319- Thanksgiving
OK... I know what you are thinking, "You're getting ahead of yourself, Little Joanie!" Well, you go right ahead and think that. But to me Thanksgiving isn't about A DAY... it's about the family and the feast!
I found out several weeks ago that most of our family will be elsewhere for Thanksgiving... and since Thanksgiving happens to be my favoritest holiday I didn't want to get left out. So I turned 3rd Sunday Grammie Dinner into an early Thanksgiving! We had our gathering of family (sans Stuart and Laura*) and the feast. I love the cooperation we have for this happy feast. Each family accepts an assignment to bring yummy-ness and all I have to do is provide the turkey, dressing, potatoes and gravy, AND Camille is in charge of the orange rolls... ahh, the orange rolls... (where are the leftovers? I think I need one RIGHT NOW!!)
Oh, sorry, I'll get back on track here.
But I'm not the only one who looks forward to family coming...

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- pilgrim paper, Brown-Paper-Texture from class
Harley lives for his family to come... he lapses into paroxysms of joy when they arrive... it really is pitiful to behold.
* AND where might Stuart and Laura be, you may ask? They are in AZ... Stuart has an interview at U of A Med School. Wish him luck!
I found out several weeks ago that most of our family will be elsewhere for Thanksgiving... and since Thanksgiving happens to be my favoritest holiday I didn't want to get left out. So I turned 3rd Sunday Grammie Dinner into an early Thanksgiving! We had our gathering of family (sans Stuart and Laura*) and the feast. I love the cooperation we have for this happy feast. Each family accepts an assignment to bring yummy-ness and all I have to do is provide the turkey, dressing, potatoes and gravy, AND Camille is in charge of the orange rolls... ahh, the orange rolls... (where are the leftovers? I think I need one RIGHT NOW!!)
Oh, sorry, I'll get back on track here.
But I'm not the only one who looks forward to family coming...
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- pilgrim paper, Brown-Paper-Texture from class
Harley lives for his family to come... he lapses into paroxysms of joy when they arrive... it really is pitiful to behold.
* AND where might Stuart and Laura be, you may ask? They are in AZ... Stuart has an interview at U of A Med School. Wish him luck!
Nov 14, 2009
318- Gerbera in the Snow
We had *our first cold storm of the season*! Duh! Yesterday I woke up to a dusting of snow... this morning 1-2"... this afternoon, after some melting we still have that same 1-2". Oh, I do love this climate!

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURE- biblical clouds by SkeletalMess
You know what one of my favorite things about living here is? Watching the storms come in. I went for a walk in the neighborhood about noon. When I was a block away from home I could see the snow storm moving in... just like something out of the movies (hence the biblical clouds texture overlay)... 5 minutes later my windows were caked with blowing snow. I just love that part of living here!
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURE- biblical clouds by SkeletalMess
You know what one of my favorite things about living here is? Watching the storms come in. I went for a walk in the neighborhood about noon. When I was a block away from home I could see the snow storm moving in... just like something out of the movies (hence the biblical clouds texture overlay)... 5 minutes later my windows were caked with blowing snow. I just love that part of living here!
Nov 13, 2009
317- Cook-Shees
Ahhh, sniff... smell that? Yes, it's cook-shees! Fresh from the oven and full of spicy-chocolate-y-goodness! I know you can't resist! Me neither. My daughter-in-law, Jessica is the one who introduced me to Pumpkin Cookies WITH Cream Cheese Frosting! Oh, MY, YUM!

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- New Testament & painted canvas 3 by skeletalmess
So now are you wondering about the cook-shees part? I was hoping you were.
For years I helped my best friend, P, take care of her invalid parents. I've blogged about them Jarvis' before. They were part of my non-biological family. Edna was a wonderful story teller (AND I LOVE STORIES so we were a perfect fit). Even if I've heard a story before I'm always good for a repeat.
ANY-way (as Edna would say), when they lived in Canada they had a little Scandinavian neighbor girl. She came over one day and Edna had just made cookies. The little girl asked for one very politely and loved it. So she said in a very sing-song voice, "Can I have another cook-shee, Mrs Yar-vis?"
That did it... we no longer have cookies... we have cook-shees... thanks to Mrs Yar-vis!
OOPPS... I just about forgot this...
Jessica's Pumpkin Cook-Shees
2 cups brown sugar
2 cups canned pumpkin
1 cup oil
2 tsp vanilla
4 cups flour
2 tsp EACH baking powder, baking soda
1 tsp EACH cloves, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg
1/2 tsp EACH ginger, allspice
1 1/2 cup chocolate chips
Mix sugar, oil, vanilla and pumpkin in large bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Drop by tablespoon on a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350' for 12-15 minutes. Cool and frost with cream cheese frosting.
Cream cheese frosting-
4 oz Cream Cheese, softened
1/4 cup butter
2 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
BEAT cream cheese, butter and vanilla in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. ADD sugar gradually, beating until well blended after each addition.
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURES- New Testament & painted canvas 3 by skeletalmess
So now are you wondering about the cook-shees part? I was hoping you were.
For years I helped my best friend, P, take care of her invalid parents. I've blogged about them Jarvis' before. They were part of my non-biological family. Edna was a wonderful story teller (AND I LOVE STORIES so we were a perfect fit). Even if I've heard a story before I'm always good for a repeat.
ANY-way (as Edna would say), when they lived in Canada they had a little Scandinavian neighbor girl. She came over one day and Edna had just made cookies. The little girl asked for one very politely and loved it. So she said in a very sing-song voice, "Can I have another cook-shee, Mrs Yar-vis?"
That did it... we no longer have cookies... we have cook-shees... thanks to Mrs Yar-vis!
OOPPS... I just about forgot this...
Jessica's Pumpkin Cook-Shees
2 cups brown sugar
2 cups canned pumpkin
1 cup oil
2 tsp vanilla
4 cups flour
2 tsp EACH baking powder, baking soda
1 tsp EACH cloves, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg
1/2 tsp EACH ginger, allspice
1 1/2 cup chocolate chips
Mix sugar, oil, vanilla and pumpkin in large bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Drop by tablespoon on a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350' for 12-15 minutes. Cool and frost with cream cheese frosting.
Cream cheese frosting-
4 oz Cream Cheese, softened
1/4 cup butter
2 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
BEAT cream cheese, butter and vanilla in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. ADD sugar gradually, beating until well blended after each addition.
Nov 12, 2009
316- So Confused
I've told you that we've been having lovely weather... here is the proof! Not even my poor lilac can determine what season it is! I think it is too funny.

But it need not be confused much longer... THE STORM is moving in.
But it need not be confused much longer... THE STORM is moving in.
Nov 11, 2009
315- Veteran's Day
Are there just days in your life that go way back in you memory? Veteran's Day is one of those with me. Growing up in California we always had that day off from school and Mom would remember all the veterans who sacrificed so much for our freedom. It has only been in the last few years that I've realized why this was. Both of my uncles, my Mom's younger brothers, fought in WWII. They had Black Out warnings in Oakland. This was real... just like my experience with the Vietnam War and friends who left and never came home.
I am grateful for the brave men and women who are willing to put it all on the line for the rest of us! That is no small offering.
I am also grateful this day, and ever other holiday, for the Boy Scouts, and their leaders, in our neighborhood (ward) who get up early and put up flags in everyone's yard; then in the evening they come and collect them. I love being able to look up and down my streets and see our flag flying in every yard. I love my neighborhood and country!

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURE- Soft-Faux-n-Grunge-Bokeh by SkeletalMess (set on color burn 78%)
I am grateful for the brave men and women who are willing to put it all on the line for the rest of us! That is no small offering.
I am also grateful this day, and ever other holiday, for the Boy Scouts, and their leaders, in our neighborhood (ward) who get up early and put up flags in everyone's yard; then in the evening they come and collect them. I love being able to look up and down my streets and see our flag flying in every yard. I love my neighborhood and country!
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow, TEXTURE- Soft-Faux-n-Grunge-Bokeh by SkeletalMess (set on color burn 78%)
Nov 10, 2009
314- Wild Phil
My old Palmdale friends will remember who Wild Phil is... (and apparently he isn't around anymore. A quick Google search didn't pull anything up on him.) Wild Phil was the Waste Management Inc's poster boy... you know Wild Bill = Wild Phil. He encouraged us all to recycle. Somehow that idea just rang true with me. I'm not sure if it is the "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!" mentality that I grew up with or what. Several years before we moved from Palmdale WM provided us with a co-mingled recycle can and a green waste can! What a deal.

Springville has a green waste lot... but I have to haul it there! ("I want a green waste can!" she whimpered!) So today was THE DAY! I've been bagging green waste for the last week as I raked, trimmed, pruned, thinned, blew and swept. There were a dozen bags waiting patiently over by the chimney for their a fun trip! (I would say one-way trip but Springville grinds it all up, adds sanitized sewer sludge and then sells it back to us as mulch!) I borrowed Kevin's truck to make this trip and boy... that was THE happenin' place to be today. In the time it took me to empty the contents of my bags (don't think you can just leave your bags there... no way!) there were half a dozen other dumpers.
It reminded me of when I lived in Greenville and the only way to get rid of your trash was: compost, burn, or haul-it-yourself to the dump. I could launch into all the fun memories I have of making trips to the dump... but... well, I'll save that one for another day!
Springville has a green waste lot... but I have to haul it there! ("I want a green waste can!" she whimpered!) So today was THE DAY! I've been bagging green waste for the last week as I raked, trimmed, pruned, thinned, blew and swept. There were a dozen bags waiting patiently over by the chimney for their a fun trip! (I would say one-way trip but Springville grinds it all up, adds sanitized sewer sludge and then sells it back to us as mulch!) I borrowed Kevin's truck to make this trip and boy... that was THE happenin' place to be today. In the time it took me to empty the contents of my bags (don't think you can just leave your bags there... no way!) there were half a dozen other dumpers.
It reminded me of when I lived in Greenville and the only way to get rid of your trash was: compost, burn, or haul-it-yourself to the dump. I could launch into all the fun memories I have of making trips to the dump... but... well, I'll save that one for another day!
Nov 9, 2009
313- Homemade Taquitos
... es muy bueno!
So you remember that a couple of weeks ago I did a post about making my own Home Canned Beef. (Which turned out totally yummy!! We had some as just a roast beef dinner one night. Very tasty quick meal.)
The biggest reason I wanted to put in a store of canned beef is... TAQUITOS!!! Yum... I love taquitos!! In fact I've been regretting all day that I sent home all the leftovers with Stuart last night!
Taquitos are really very simple to make (uh, but, let's be honest... a bit messy!)
You need to have (these amounts are approximate... I don't measure):
1 can Canned Beef
1-2 tablespoons cream of wheat or malto-meal
1-2 dozen corn tortilla
oil, a bunch (yeah, this is the messy part)
toothpicks, ditto
paper towels, ditto
... and to go along with the yummy eating... guacamole and refried beans
You can get canned roast beef at most supermarket in the same aisle as the tuna...
First you dump your beef into a pan, gravy and all, shred it with a fork. Then sprinkle on some cream of wheat or malto-meal and stir while heating. The cream of wheat/malto-meal absorbs the liquids and makes for yummy, moist taquitos. You want to cook the meat mixture until it is hot and the liquid is absorbed, about 5 minutes. (What you're looking at here is 2 quarts of home canned beef with about 1 cup of liquid and 1/4 c malto-meal.)

Next, pour about 1" of oil into a frying pan (the deeper the pan the better... less mess). Heat to medium hot. Quickly fry each corn tortilla to soften, only about 5 second per side. Remove to paper towels to drain. I find that I can fit 4 tortillas on each paper towel. Add another paper towel and keep going until all your tortillas are softened.

This is the part where I fell down on the photo-taking job. Our home teachers came and Camille and her room mates got here and they started rolling. So I hope I can describe it ok. Place about 1-2 tablespoons of beef down the center of each tortilla. Fold the tortilla over it and then slide the meat back towards yourself with your fingers and then roll the tortilla and secure with a toothpick. (Sorry... I should be fired as photographer)
When you have your taquitos rolled it is time to fry them up (at this stage Stuart calls them raw... funny boy!)
Add oil to your frying pan to 1" again. Heat to medium hot. Add taquitos, don't crowd them and fry, turning once. I like mine on the crunchy, brown side, but some people like theirs softer. It takes about 5 minutes.

Doesn't this just make your mouth water? Yummy! (Now I must tell you that I normally only use ONE toothpick per taquito, but we had a novice roller and we neglected to tell her ONEe was enough!) Crunch, yummy, lip-smacking-good.
OK, loser photographer again... I didn't get a photo of the yummy dipping beans and guacamole... but go here if you want to see it.
We had lots of fun with the making, visiting and eating... and then Camille and the rest of the girls cleaned up the kitchen! What a bunch of sweeties!
So you remember that a couple of weeks ago I did a post about making my own Home Canned Beef. (Which turned out totally yummy!! We had some as just a roast beef dinner one night. Very tasty quick meal.)
The biggest reason I wanted to put in a store of canned beef is... TAQUITOS!!! Yum... I love taquitos!! In fact I've been regretting all day that I sent home all the leftovers with Stuart last night!
Taquitos are really very simple to make (uh, but, let's be honest... a bit messy!)
You need to have (these amounts are approximate... I don't measure):
1 can Canned Beef
1-2 tablespoons cream of wheat or malto-meal
1-2 dozen corn tortilla
oil, a bunch (yeah, this is the messy part)
toothpicks, ditto
paper towels, ditto
... and to go along with the yummy eating... guacamole and refried beans
You can get canned roast beef at most supermarket in the same aisle as the tuna...
First you dump your beef into a pan, gravy and all, shred it with a fork. Then sprinkle on some cream of wheat or malto-meal and stir while heating. The cream of wheat/malto-meal absorbs the liquids and makes for yummy, moist taquitos. You want to cook the meat mixture until it is hot and the liquid is absorbed, about 5 minutes. (What you're looking at here is 2 quarts of home canned beef with about 1 cup of liquid and 1/4 c malto-meal.)
Next, pour about 1" of oil into a frying pan (the deeper the pan the better... less mess). Heat to medium hot. Quickly fry each corn tortilla to soften, only about 5 second per side. Remove to paper towels to drain. I find that I can fit 4 tortillas on each paper towel. Add another paper towel and keep going until all your tortillas are softened.
This is the part where I fell down on the photo-taking job. Our home teachers came and Camille and her room mates got here and they started rolling. So I hope I can describe it ok. Place about 1-2 tablespoons of beef down the center of each tortilla. Fold the tortilla over it and then slide the meat back towards yourself with your fingers and then roll the tortilla and secure with a toothpick. (Sorry... I should be fired as photographer)
When you have your taquitos rolled it is time to fry them up (at this stage Stuart calls them raw... funny boy!)
Add oil to your frying pan to 1" again. Heat to medium hot. Add taquitos, don't crowd them and fry, turning once. I like mine on the crunchy, brown side, but some people like theirs softer. It takes about 5 minutes.
Doesn't this just make your mouth water? Yummy! (Now I must tell you that I normally only use ONE toothpick per taquito, but we had a novice roller and we neglected to tell her ONEe was enough!) Crunch, yummy, lip-smacking-good.
OK, loser photographer again... I didn't get a photo of the yummy dipping beans and guacamole... but go here if you want to see it.
We had lots of fun with the making, visiting and eating... and then Camille and the rest of the girls cleaned up the kitchen! What a bunch of sweeties!
Nov 8, 2009
312- Fall's Glory
The older I get the more I love fall. The weather seems to be more stable than spring with temperate days and cold nights. I love the shortening (bwahahaha) days and the tang of leaves in the wind; but most of all I love the vibrant, bold colors that nature exhibits.
I mentioned yesterday that we've been blessed with a week of beautiful unseasonably warm days. I've been outside all day working in the yard and enjoying the beauty that is all around. I love the way the light dances through the leaves.

But then I take a closer look and it is amazing... the detail is exquisite.

Yes, I do love fall...
I mentioned yesterday that we've been blessed with a week of beautiful unseasonably warm days. I've been outside all day working in the yard and enjoying the beauty that is all around. I love the way the light dances through the leaves.
But then I take a closer look and it is amazing... the detail is exquisite.
Yes, I do love fall...
Nov 7, 2009
311- Sweet Golden Light
I headed up the stairs and saw the most sweet, golden light emanating from my quilting room. I couldn't imagine why I'd left the light on in there. When I peeked into the room I saw that it was the light reflecting off my globe willow. You've all heard of *Old Man Willow*... my willow is a lithe young woman in a full, sweeping, golden skirt. I just love this tree. In its short four years living in my front yard she has grown tall and strong; providing shade and beauty.

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo V_2
As an aside... I've spent the last 3 days working out in the yard. We've been blessed with some almost unheard of 70 degree days in November! Since I've had these *gift-days* I've been able to put my garden to bed. I've never gotten the opportunity before to do this.
On Tuesday we had some very nice Tongans (we love our Tongans!!) come and trim all the fruit trees and the 3 large lilac bushes. It inspired me to do the rest of the yard. Every thing is trimmed, dug, planted, thinned, pruned and ready for a long winter's nap.
Today I finally tackled the task of thinning my Iris. They were planted in the same bed with the currant bushes. Iris is one of those very memory evoking flowers. Mom always had lots of beautiful Iris in her yard. Many were the times I *helped* her with the thinning and replanting process. I felt very close to my Mama today... there digging in my dirt, doing what she used to do. It was a very pleasant day.
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo V_2
As an aside... I've spent the last 3 days working out in the yard. We've been blessed with some almost unheard of 70 degree days in November! Since I've had these *gift-days* I've been able to put my garden to bed. I've never gotten the opportunity before to do this.
On Tuesday we had some very nice Tongans (we love our Tongans!!) come and trim all the fruit trees and the 3 large lilac bushes. It inspired me to do the rest of the yard. Every thing is trimmed, dug, planted, thinned, pruned and ready for a long winter's nap.
Today I finally tackled the task of thinning my Iris. They were planted in the same bed with the currant bushes. Iris is one of those very memory evoking flowers. Mom always had lots of beautiful Iris in her yard. Many were the times I *helped* her with the thinning and replanting process. I felt very close to my Mama today... there digging in my dirt, doing what she used to do. It was a very pleasant day.
Nov 6, 2009
310- 28 and Counting...
Today is our 28th wedding anniversary. And, as coincidence would have it, the days line up just the same way they did 28 years ago when Gordon and I were married in the Oakland CA Temple. It was a special evening. Both of my sisters traveled long distances to be with us.
The only mishap was when we didn't give good enough directions to where we were going to have dinner and we lost Sue, Rebekah and our sweet A#1 babysitter, Annette. Remember all this happened before cell phones. They finally found us. Oh wait, did I say the only mishap? Oh, well, the wheel fell off Ann and Wayne's car as well!

So here were are 28 years later. So much life has happened... but we still have each other and that is the most important part.
The only mishap was when we didn't give good enough directions to where we were going to have dinner and we lost Sue, Rebekah and our sweet A#1 babysitter, Annette. Remember all this happened before cell phones. They finally found us. Oh wait, did I say the only mishap? Oh, well, the wheel fell off Ann and Wayne's car as well!
So here were are 28 years later. So much life has happened... but we still have each other and that is the most important part.
Nov 5, 2009
309- Friends That Care
I've struggled for the past month with some discouragement and depression. When I am under stress it causes my dyslexia to get worse, which adds to the stress. (Do people really think I'm as stupid as I sound?) I have mentioned this fact to a few of my friends and then last Sunday at choir practice to the choir when I was struggling to tell them what I wanted them to do and couldn't get it out.
The thing that I appreciate about friends that care is: they look past my problem and love me... as imperfect and struggling as I am.
While delivering a quilt to a friend I admired her pottery work. One bowl really caught my imagination. Her response? "Joanie, take it. It's a friendship bowl!" And to add to my delight she sent me with an equally beautiful vase that now lives in a place of honor on *the chest* with my dried friendship roses in it.

The next evening I heard a double ring at the doorbell, which usually means ring and run, but this time is was a good ring and run. I found a beautiful floral arrangement and a thoughtful card. Her penned sentiments were, "I know flowers and card can't fix the problem..." But you know what? I sure goes a long way to helping!

Two of my favorite scriptures are:
Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; (Hebrews 12:12)
Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees. (Doctrine and Covenants 81:5)
These wonderful friends have followed the prompting to to lift up my hands that hang down.
I've also realized that I need to have greater trust and faith in the Lord. Regardless of the situation I know the Lord will strengthen and uphold me. And you know what? It will be ok!
The thing that I appreciate about friends that care is: they look past my problem and love me... as imperfect and struggling as I am.
While delivering a quilt to a friend I admired her pottery work. One bowl really caught my imagination. Her response? "Joanie, take it. It's a friendship bowl!" And to add to my delight she sent me with an equally beautiful vase that now lives in a place of honor on *the chest* with my dried friendship roses in it.
The next evening I heard a double ring at the doorbell, which usually means ring and run, but this time is was a good ring and run. I found a beautiful floral arrangement and a thoughtful card. Her penned sentiments were, "I know flowers and card can't fix the problem..." But you know what? I sure goes a long way to helping!
Two of my favorite scriptures are:
Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; (Hebrews 12:12)
Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees. (Doctrine and Covenants 81:5)
These wonderful friends have followed the prompting to to lift up my hands that hang down.
I've also realized that I need to have greater trust and faith in the Lord. Regardless of the situation I know the Lord will strengthen and uphold me. And you know what? It will be ok!
Nov 4, 2009
308- Timapanogos
I love this view of Timpanogos from the Squaw Peak trail. I don't think I will ever get tired of looking at this beautiful mountain.

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo V_2
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo V_2
307- Who Was She?
I don't normally take photos of or blog about a quilt I haven't made myself. But today is going to be an exception. This lovely quilt came to me via my sister, Sue, my sister-quilter. She has a knack for finding old tops or blocks, then she repairs and finishes them and she sends it *out* to be quilted. This time I was the lucky girl who got to do the quilting.
As I was *loading* the quilt on my big frames I noticed the tiny hand stitches used to construct these star blocks. I've done my share of hand-piecing so I have great admiration for her tiny, even stitches.

I wish that quilt tops could talk. I could detect original 30s fabrics with a very old and yellowed muslin (see above). There were blocks that look more like 40s fabric with a different muslin. Then there is the newest and whitest of the muslin that I know Sue put in the quilt.
As I worked on this quilt I pondered what that original quilter thought about her creation. Was she the one who did both the 30s and 40s blocks with those delicate stitches? What would she think about my addition to *her* quilt with my machine quilting?

Would she approve? Would she be pleased at the wonderful machine that I have? Would she be impressed that I can finish in one day what would have taken a dozen of her peers several days to finish?

Is she pleased with the beauty of her *finally-finished* quilt? I don't know about her, but I am very pleased with the results and hope my dear sister will be too.

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow
As I was *loading* the quilt on my big frames I noticed the tiny hand stitches used to construct these star blocks. I've done my share of hand-piecing so I have great admiration for her tiny, even stitches.
I wish that quilt tops could talk. I could detect original 30s fabrics with a very old and yellowed muslin (see above). There were blocks that look more like 40s fabric with a different muslin. Then there is the newest and whitest of the muslin that I know Sue put in the quilt.
As I worked on this quilt I pondered what that original quilter thought about her creation. Was she the one who did both the 30s and 40s blocks with those delicate stitches? What would she think about my addition to *her* quilt with my machine quilting?
Would she approve? Would she be pleased at the wonderful machine that I have? Would she be impressed that I can finish in one day what would have taken a dozen of her peers several days to finish?
Is she pleased with the beauty of her *finally-finished* quilt? I don't know about her, but I am very pleased with the results and hope my dear sister will be too.
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- DPMoms Perfect Workflow
Nov 2, 2009
306- Nature's Decorations
I know that there are many people who get cross about how *retail* rushes Christmas merchandise.
But, see here... they are just imitating nature.

FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo V_2
But, see here... they are just imitating nature.
FRAME- SP_ShabbyBorders1_StraightShabbyBorder, FONT- Georg, Freebooters Script JOURNALING PATH- JSprague_4-squareTemplate BRUSHES- RhonnaFarrer_2ps_SnapShotFrameKit, ACTION- (A2D)_Lomo V_2
Nov 1, 2009
305- Old Pilings
Years ago there used to be a tram from the base of Bridal Veil Falls (in Provo Canyon) up to a restaurant at the top. Now all that is left is some old worn pilings, rusted metal, deteriorating concrete... AND I have one more photo of one more thing at the old tram base, but you will have to wait for tomorrow for that.
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